Weather in Wayanad
Wayanad has a comfortable climate all throughout the year. The minimum and maximum temperature ranges from 18˚C to 34˚C. Wayanad climate has mainly four seasons:
Summer (Mar – May) : The season is comparatively hotter, but most of the tourist places are very comfortable and cool with gentle breeze.
South West Monsoon (Jun to Mid Sep): Rainy season in Wayanad, however, monsoon activities in Wayanad like “Splash” brings in lot of tourists to Wayanad.
North East Monsoon (Mid Sep to Mid Nov): Regular rains are not experienced, but, unpredictable slight rains occur.
Best season for visiting Wayanad is from the mid of Sep to Mid of May.t Travelers come down to Wayanad even in Jun – Jul to experience the Monsoon of Wayanad. Lakkidi, Vythiri and Meppadi receive the highest rainfall in the district.
For More information on Wayanad:
Holidays to Wayanad
Resort in Wayanad
Where is Wayanad
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